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More and more companies use social portals to promote their website. This article is about how social sites can help drive traffic to your website (improve SEO results).
In recent years, social portals have become very popular. Internet users spend much more time using Facebook, Twitter or other social sites than browsing other websites.
Social portals offer good advertising opportunities because they are visited by a very large number of users every day, for example, Facebook has more than 500,000,000 registered users. These opportunities must, of course, be seized.
Many companies use Facebook and Draugiem pages as their websites (parallel to the real website). It is not difficult to advertise a company on these sites. These sites are free to place links to other websites (Facebook even automatically extracts short text from the website). This approach is useful for promoting a business, but is not suitable for improving SEO performance. Often on these sites, hyperlinks are accompanied by a "nofollow" feature, which means that the links do not contribute to better display in search results. Also, some of the information available on social sites is available only by logging in, so search engine crawlers are not able to include these links in their databases. The biggest benefit is an increase in the number of users to your website, which is a positive feature.
It is recommended to put links to your website on the side and not too often, otherwise other users will start to ignore your messages. For example, facebook places ads on the right side that aren't too eye-catching, but does its job. Put a link to your website in the information fields that provide more traffic because it will be viewed by someone who is interested in it (someone who is not interested in it may start ignoring your links, even if useful information is displayed there).
Don't stop writing. Often, companies actively update information on social networking sites, but after a short time, enthusiasm wears off (especially if there are no traffic reports) and users seem to ignore your posts. It is important not to stop providing information. Write news, articles and interesting things. This can facilitate communication, but not all product information should be given as it may seem intrusive. If you don't have time to social network marketing, hire professionals and don't waste time and money doing things where you're not a professional.
Create promotions and lotteries. Many people like free things. By offering such opportunities, you will arouse interest in your business and encourage traffic. This way, people will inform their friends and relatives about your offer (verbal advertising from someone whose opinion you take into account is very strong). As a result, users can pass on your links and promote your website results.
Don't be afraid to ask for your link to be placed on another website or a user on your social network page.
The use of social portals does not directly affect the SEO results (if it does, then minimally), however, the boundaries between a regular website and a social portal are reduced (additional features of facebook, etc., such as the "like" button).
Social sites are not a search engine (although Facebook has publicly announced the creation of its search engine based on social results, i.e. the more people vote "I like", the better the website is displayed in search results). However, Facebook has already agreed with Microsoft and Bing to introduce such capabilities in the search engine.
Facebook is a very powerful marketing tool, but google still maintains a leading position in the internet marketing market. Don't forget about other social sites like LinkedIn or Digg that offer link placement that has a positive impact on SEO results.
Creating and maintaining an account on all major social sites is a time consuming process, but it is very useful.